Philosophy and Logic (falsafa wa al-manṭiq)
This is a copy has not been updated in a while. It has all the active links to the PDF files.
It’s still a very useful page and until its fully superseded its offered here to help those who still need these files
- {المنتخل في علم الجدل} al-Muntakhal fi al-jadal (the elect in Dialectics) [M:7; A:7; K:13089]
- Arabic: al-Muntakhal fī al-jadal / min taṣnīf Abī Ḥāmid al-Ghazzālī al-Shāfiʻī ; qaddama la-hu wa-ḥaqqaqahu wa-kharraja naṣṣahu ʻAlī ibn ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz ibn ʻAlī al-ʻUmayrīnī.Bayrūt : Dār al-Warrāq, 2004.
- {مقاصد الفلاسفة} Maqasid al-falasifah (Aims of the Philosophers) Full title: Maqasid al-falasifah : fi al-mantiq wa-al-hikmah al-ilahiyah wa-al-hikmah al-tabi‘iyah [M:17; A:16; GAL, I, 425, S., I, 755]
- Best Available edition: (Misr: al-Matba‘ah al-Mahmudiyah al-Tijariyah bi-al-Azhar, [Cairo]1936.) Muhyi al-Din Sabri al-Kurdi Arabic Edition. (PDF).
- M. Bejou has published (Damascus: 2000) the above edition in which he corrected printing errors (misplaced pages) with new typesetting, illustrations and explanatory notes. (Arabic PDF)
- Aims of the Philosophers (Arabic E-text) with introduction and commentary by S. Dunya (PDF) Dar al-ma‘arif (Cairo, 1965). With an introduction and annotation, textual variation is embedded in the text within brackets.
- An old Latin translation. (PDF) the Complete edition.
- Spanish Translation: Maqasid al-falasifa; o, Intenciones de los filo´sofos [por] Algazel. Traduccio´n, pro´logo y notas por Manuel Alonso Alonso. Barcelona, J. Flors, 1963.
- English language Translation: Forthcoming (by David Burrell and Tony Street) from BYU Press -Utah.
- {تهافت الفلاسفة} Tahafut al-Falasifa (Incoherence of philosophers) His most famous philosophical work. [M:16; A:17; GAL, I, 425, S., I, 754]
- Critical edition: (Tahafot al-falasifat / Algazel ; texte arabe etabli et accompagne d’un sommaire latin et d’index par Maurice Bouyges.) (PDF)
- Text (with an introduction and notes by S. Dunya) (Arabic PDF)
- Arabic E-text in word format -partially proofread.
- M. Bejou’s Arabic edition. (Arabic PDF)! Could not resist this one I only have about 7 versions of the Tahafut in Arabic! This edition includes a lecture by Mahmoud ‘Abbas al-‘Aqad and a postscript by Dr. Hikmat Hashem, Dean of Philosophy department at Damascus University. (Damascus, 1994).
- Book Review: General overview. (link)
- Book Review: From Khasf az-Zunun By Hajji Khalifia (In Arabic)
- English translation by S. A. Kamali (1963) (PDF) also in html (Thanks to a volunteer)
- Second English Translation by a prof. of Islamic Theology: Marmura, Michael E. The incoherence of the philosophers: Tahafut al-falasifah: a parallel English-Arabic text (Provo: Brigham Young University Press, 1997). Note Prof. Marmura did his PhD thesis on this book!
- Abu Ridah, Muhammad ‘Abd Al-Hadi. Al-Ghazali und Seine Widerlegung der griechischen Philosophie (Tahafut al-Falasifah), Madrid: 1952.
- Turkish: Filozoflarin tutarsizligi tr. Bekir Karliga, Istanbul: Özdem Kardesler Matbaasi, 1981. xxxi, 381 p.
- {معيار العلم في فن المنطق} Mi‘yar al-‘Ilm fi fan al-mantiq (Criterion of Knowledge in the Art of Logic) his work on logic [M:18; A:18]
- Miyar al-Ilm Early printed edition, edited by Muhyi al-din Sabri al-Kurdi, Cairo, 1927 2nd printing. (pdf)
- Miyar al-Ilm edited by S. Dunya (Cairo: Dar al-ma‘arif, 1965) in (Arabic pdf). Dunya believes that this book is the introduction to the Tahafut al-falisifah, namely the philosophical trilogy: Logic (this book), Summary (the maqasid) and refutation (the tahafut).
- {محك النظر في المنطق} Mihak al-Nazar fil al-mantiq (Touchstone of Reasoning in logic) [M:20; A:20]
- Arabic: Kitab mahak al-nazar fi al-mantiq; lil-Imam Abi Hamid al-Ghazzali al-Shafi‘i; sahhaha Muhammad Badr al-Din Abi Firas al-Na’sani al-Halabi, wa-Mustafa´ al-Qabbani al-Dimashqi, al-Tab‘ah 1. Misr : al-Matba‘ah al-Adabiyah, [19–?];
- Mihak al-Nazar Arabic Word file from Waraq site.
- {المضون به على غير اهله} al-Madnun bihi ‘ala ghir ahlihi (the hidden [knowledge] from the masses): [M:39; A:39; K:12214, 13243] According to Ibn al-Salah as cited by al-Subki: “the book al-madnun that is attributed to him [Ghazali] God forbid! this book should be his and I saw on the back of a copy in the hand of al-Qadi Kamal al-din Muhammad b. ‘Abdullah b. al-Qasem al-Shahrazuri that is fabricated and attributed to al-Ghazali and is created from Maqasid al-falasifa that he refuted in Tahafut al-falasifa…” See Badawi p. 545. Abu Bakr Muhammad b. ‘Abdallah al-Malaqi (d. 750h) wrote a rebuttal. See Vol. 1, p.60 (Beirut: 2002). Ibn Rushd and Ibn Taymiyah do attribute the book to him. The extant Manuscripts however are varied. One of which is an extract from Maqasid al-falasifa which might explain why Ibn Taymiyah said it looks his writing.
- Arabic: published in majmu’at Rasil al-imam al-Ghazali. Complete PDF with other works.
- English Translation: On the Soul. Also available on another link (iffy)
- Prof. N. Pourjavady had discovered a manuscript used at the Maragha Seminary during the 12th and 13th centuries. It contains a version of the text al-Madnun bihi ala ghayri ahlihi and attributed it to al-Ghazali. -This text is equivalent to an extract of al-Ghazali’s Aims of the philosophers Maqasid al-Falasifa
- Read his report. (PDF)
- See the Al-Maraghah manuscript, Maraghah was the pre-eminent school in North eastern Persia, Fakhr al-Din al-Razi and Mullah Sadra studied there! (Reproduced here with permission of Prof. N. Pourjavady who published it in facsimile) (Complete PDF) please contact the publisher if you want a printed copy.
- { القسطاس المستقيم} al-Qistas al-mustaqim (The Correct Balance) [M:42; A:42; GAL, S., I, 749, no 28]
- Arabic: al-Qistas al-mustaqim edited by M. Bejou, (improved edition). (Arabic PDF).
- Arabic: edited by V. Chalhout 2nd edition. in Arabic PDF (Note: Qur’anic text not verified according to the Uthmani text)
- English: al-Qistas al-mustaqim: The Correct Balance (Trans. R. McCarthy. (PDF)
- English: The Just Balance (Another English translation: D .P. Brewster, Lahore: Sh. Muhammad Ashraf, 1978) PDF
- Italian: A translation by by Prof. M. Capanini. LA BILANCIA DELL’AZION e altri scritti, UTET (Torino, 2005) pp. 275-350. ISBN: 8802060746.
- A study of this book was done by A. Neuwirth KleinKnecht. (Eine Ableitung Der Logik Aus Dem Koran) (German PDF)
- {معارج القدس في مدارج معرفة النفس} Ma‘arij al-Qudus fi madarij ma‘rifat al-Nafs (Ascent to the Divine through the path of self-knowledge) [M:76; A:76; GAL, I, 426 no 64a & 64g, S., I, 751].
- Arabic: Ma’arij al-Qudus fi madarij ma’rifat al-Nafs an old printed edition from Cairo. (Arabic pdf)
- English translation with an introduction, analysis and summary by Yusuf Easa Shammas, “Al-Ghazali’s ascent to the Divine through the path of self-knowledge” (Ph.D. diss., Hartford Seminary, 1958) (PDF)
- Reasons why Ma‘arij al-Qudus is not by al-Ghazali.
NOTE: The numbers listed above in square brackets refer to M = Bouyges, Maurice. Essai de chronologie des oeuvres de al-ghazali (Algazel). Edited by Michel Allard. Beirut: L’Institue de Lettres Orientales de Beyrouth, 1959; A =Badwai, ‘Abd al-Rahman, Mu’allafat al-Ghazali. 2nd ed. Kuwait: Wakalat al-Mutbu’at, 1977- numbers as listed. The links are provided to the individual page in Bouyges or Badawi. The GAL listing is given below. The following numbers are offered as mentioned in Bouyges 1959: Brockelmann, Carl. Geschichte der arabischen litteratur. 2 vols. plus 3 suppl. vols., Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1937-42, Second edition: 1943-45. [GAL, S] GAL, I: 534-546 (PDF: 1943); S, I: 744-756. (PDF: 1937). Kâtip Çelebi. Lexicon bibliographicum et encyclopaedicum … ad codicum Vindobonensium Parisiensium et Berolinensis fidem primum edidit Latine vertit et commentario indicibusque instruxit Gustavus Fluegel. …. Arabic text with Latin trans. by Gustav Lebrecht Fluegel. 7 vols., Leipzig: Published for the Oriental Translation Fund of Great Britain and Ireland, 1835-1858. [K] If you see a glaring error or have strong opinions, supported by fact or argument, about any work listed above or missing do let me know.