Research Topics by Subject
- Dictionary of Ghazalian Terms (French PDF)
- Dissertations
- Monographs
- Re-evaluation of Al-Ghazali (Life, Works)
- On his crisis (spiritual and epistemological)
- Al-Ghazali and Ash’arism (creed/theology)
- Ghazali and Hadith
- Ghazali’s Sources
- Influence of Ibn Sina’s philosophy on Ghazali
- Related Scholars (teachers, influences, etc.)
- Ghazali on (Philosophy = metaphysics, Logic, etc.)
- Ghazali on (Causality / Occasionalism)
- On Mishkat al-anwar (Metaphysics, Sufism, etc.)
- Ghazali on Politics and Governance
- Ghazali on Sufism
- Ghazali on Education
- Ghazali on Jurisprudence
- Legacy of al-Ghazali:
- Influence on Jewish thought and Philosophy
- Influence on Christian thought and philosophy
- Influence on the Muslim World
- Saladin – al-Malik al-nasir salah al-din Yusef al-Auybi. (Studies on Saladin)
- Ottomans
- Al-Azhar
- Sufism
- Science
- Study of Philosophy in the Muslim world
- on Mulla Sadra
- Miscellaneous (General studies)
- Bibliography
- Chronology
- Translations of al-Ghazali’s works in world languages.
- Outtakes (Chapters or sections of books on Ghazali)
- Manuscript Research
- On Paper (Book production, Paper production: qirtas, warq, etc.)
- Codicology
- Paleography