continually updated list…
- al-Qaradawi, Yusef: al-Imām Ghazālī bayna mādiḥī wa-nāqidihī (Imam Ghazali between his Admirers and Critics) (Beirut: Muassat al-risala, 1994) (Arabic PDF.)
- al-Shami, Salih Ahmad: al-Imām Ghazālī: hujjat al-Islam wa-mujaddid al-mi’ah al-khamisah / al-Tab`ah 1 (Dimashq : Dar al-Qalam, 1993) 264 pp. ; 20 cm. Series: Aʿlam al-Muslimīn ; 43; Includes bibliographical references.(Arabic PDF)
- Al-Qaradaghi, ʿAlī Muḥyi al-dīn: ʿAṣr al-Ghazālī [Age (time period) of al-Ghazali] in the introduction to al-wasīṭ fī al-mathhab, by Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, Cairo: Dar al-Ansar, 1983. pp. 21-293. (PDF)
- Abdullah, M. Amin. (1992). The ideal of universality of ethical norms in Ghazali and Kant. Türkiye Diyanet vakfi: Yayin matabbcilik ve ticaret isletmesi. Ankara. (PDF)
- AbulQuasem, Muhammad: Ethics of al-Ghazali: A composite Ethics in Islam, New York: Caravan Books, 1978 (PDF).
- Abusway, Mustafa, M.: A Study in Islamic Epistemology: Al-Ghazali. (Kuala Lumpur: Dwan Bahas dan Pustaka, 1996) (PDF)
- Amin, Husayn. Ghazali faqihan, wa faylasufan wa mutasufan. Baghdad: Matabat al-Irshad, 1963.
- Al-Anṣārī, ʿAbd al-Daʾim Abu al-ʿaṭa al-Baqari, Iʿtirafāt al-Ghazali aw kayfa arrakha al-Ghazālī nafashu. Cairo: Maktaba al-Angelo-Misrya, 1985. (pdf).
- Al-‘Asam, Abd al-Amir, Al-faylasuf al-Ghazālī. Beirut: Dar al-Andulus, 1988. (pdf)
- Asin Palacios, Miguel, La espiritualidad de Algazel y su sentido Cristano (Al-Ghazali’s Spirituality and its Christian Meaning). Madrid: Imprenta de Estanislao Maestre, 1934. (4 vols.) (pdf)
- Azouz, Muhyi al-din: Ilamaquwl fi falsafat al-Ghazali (Irrationality in al-Ghazali’s philosophical system) al-dar al-‘aribia lil-kitab, Tunis, 1983(Arabic PDF).
- Badawī, ʿAbdurraḥmān, Muʾallafāt al-Ghazālī. 2nd ed. Kuwait: Wakalat al-Maṭbuʿāt, 1977. (pdf) – On al-Ghazali’s works one of the most detailed and authoritative accounts to date.
- Bouyges, Maurice. Essai de chronologie des oeuvres de al-Ghazali (Algazel). Edited by Michel Allard. Beirut: L’Institute de Letters Orientalles de Berouth, 1959. (pdf)
- Campanini, Massimo: Al-Ghazali and the Divine, London: Routledge, 2019.
- Campanini, Massimo: La Bilancia dell’azione ed altri scritti, Utet, Torino, 2005, sample pdf in Italian.
- Frank, Richard M.: Al-Ghazali and the Ash’rite school. Durham: Duke University Press, 1994. (PDF)
- Gianotti, Timothy J.: Al-Ghazali’s unspeakable doctrine of the soul: unveiling the esoteric psychology and eschatology of the Ihya (Brill’s studies in intellectual history, 0920-8607; v. 104) Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2001. Book review: P. Lory’s (in French) STUDIA ISLAMICA (NO. 95, 2002), pp. 169-170 and JAOS (124.1) – 2004, by F. Griffel (PDF)
- Garden, Ken, The First Islamic Reviver:Abū Ḥāmid al-Ghazālī and his Revival of the Religious Sciences. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014. Review by S. Houston
- Griffel, Frank: Apostasie und Toleranz im Islam. Die Entwicklung zu al-Gazalis Urteil gegen die Philosophie und die Reaktionen der Philosophen, (Leiden: Brill 2000. Excerpt introduction and conclusion.(PDF) (“Apostasy and Tolerance in Islam. The development that led to al-Ghazali’s condemnation of philosophy and the reactions from the side of the philosophers”)ISBN 90 04 11566 8. Book reviews:
- Griffel, Frank: Al-Ghazālī’s Philosophical Theology. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009. (pdf)
- Griffel, Frank (ed.): Islam and Rationality. The Impact of al-Ghazali. Papers Collected on His 900th Anniversary. Volume 2 Leiden: Brill Publishers, 2016 (pdf)
- Gosche, Richard: “Über Ghazzalis Leben und Werke” Aus den Abhandlungen der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin: Druckerei der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften 1858. This is the very first monograph study on al-Ghazali in a Western language.(Partial pdf) pp.240-310
- Jabre, Farid: Essai sur le lexique de Ghazali. Beirut: Publications de L’Universite Libanaise, 1985. (pdf)
- Jabre, Farid: la notion de cretitude selon ghazali: Dans ses orgines psychologiques et historiques. Paris: Librairie Phiosophique, J. Virin, 1998.
- Laoust, Henri: La Politique De Gazali, Librairie Orientaliste Paris 1970. (French PDF).
- Pourjawady, Nasrullah: Du mujadid: Pizhushishayi dar barah-i Muhammad al-Ghazzali va Fakhr Razi. Tehran: Markaz-i Nashr-i Danishghi, 2002 (pdf)
- Salīm, Muḥammad Rashād: Muqarana bayna al-Ghazali wa Ibn Taymiyah. Kuwait: Dar al-Qalam, 1975.
- Shehadi, Fadlou: Ghazali’s Unique Unknowable God. By (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1964) (PDF)
- Sherif, Mohamed Ahmed: Ghazali’s Theory of Virtue. (Albany: State University of New York, 1975) (PDF)
- Smith, Margaret: Al-Ghazālī, the Mystic: a study of the life and personality of Abū Hāmid Muhammad al-Tūsī al-Ghazālī, together with an account of his mystical teaching and an estimate of his place in the history of Islamic mysticism. (London: Luzac & Co. 1944). (PDF ) Hijra international (reprint) Lahore, Pakistan. 197?
- Sutyi, Jalal al-din, Tashiyyd al-ʾarkān (In defense of Ghazali’s statement that the world is the best of possible worlds) by Imam Suyti. Note also that Prof. Eric Ormsby wrote on this topic see below (Arabic PDF)
- Obermann, Julian. Der philosophische und regligiöse subjektivismus Ghazalis: ein Beitrag zum Problem der Religion. Vienna: W. Braumuller, 1921. (gBs)
- Ormsby, Eric L.: Theodicy in Islamic Thought: The Dispute over Al-Ghazali’s “Best of All Possible Worlds“. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984) 328pp. (ASIN: 0691072787). (Jstore)
- Ormsby, Eric: Ghazali: The Revival of Islam, Oxford: Oneworld, 2005. (pdf)
- Umaruddin, M: The Ethical Philosophy of Al-Ghazzali (Delhi: Adam Publishers, 1996)(PDF)
- ʿUthmān, ʿAlī ʿIsā: The concept of man in Islam in the writings of al-Ghazali. Cairo.(1960) n.p.
- De Vaux, Bernard Cara. Gazali. Paris 1902 pdf Monograph in French.
- Watt, W. M. : Muslim Intellectual: A Study of Al-Ghazali, EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY PRESS (Edinburgh, 1963). Also in PDF
- Lazarus-Yafeh, Hava: Studies in al-Ghazzali, Jerusalem: The Magnes Press, 1975.
- Zaqzuq, Mahmud Hamdi. Al-manhaj al-falasfi bayna al-Ghazali wa Dikart. Cairo: Maktab al-Angelo al-misriya, 1973. (pdf)
- Zarrinkub, ‘Abd al-Husayan. Al-firar min al-madrasa: Dirasa fi hayat wa fikr Abi Hamid al-Ghazali. Beirut: Dar al-Rawda, 1412/1992.
- Zuberi, Masarrat H.: Aristotle and Al-Ghazali (Delhi: Noor Publishing House, 1992) (PDF)
- Zwemer, S. M. A Moslem Seeker after God. (New York: Fleming Revell, 1920). [link]
Conference Proceedings:
- Ghazali: La rasion et let miracle, edited by A. M. Turki. Paris: Maisonneuve et Larose, 1987.
- Abu Hamid al-Ghazali: Dirasat fi fikrihi wa ‘asrihi wa tarathihi, edited by Sa’id bin Sa’id al-‘Alawi, Rabt: Manshurat kulliyat al-Al-adab wal-‘ulum al-insaniya, 1988.
- Abu Hamid al-Ghazali fi al-dhikra al-mi’awya al-tai’s’a li miladihi, edited by Zaki Najib Mahmoud, Damascus: al-majlis al-‘ala li ri’ayat al-funun wa’al ‘adb wa’ al-ulum al-ijtima’iya, 1961. (pdf)