Re-evaluation of al-Ghazali
- Ghazali and Ash’arism Revisited, Michael E. Marmura, Arabic Science and Philosophy vol. 12(2002) pp.91-110 (PDF)
- Was Ghazali an Ash’arite? K. Nakamura. (PDF.)
- Al-Ghazali’s Tahafut: Is it really a rejection of Ibn Sina’s Philosophy? by: J. Janssens. Journal of Islamic Studies. 12:1(2001) pp. 1-17. (PDF)
- Ghazalian Synthesis: Al-Ghazali and Sciences by. M. Iqbal (PDF).
- Love of God in the Ihya by S. Van Den Berg (PDF)
- Sources: Nasr’s Footnoted comments on Al-Ghazali authorship of Maqasid al-Falasifa.(PDF)
- JULES JANSSENS , LE DÂNESH-NÂMEH d’IBN SÎNÂ : UN TEXTE À REVOIR ? Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale (Louvain-la-Neuve) volume: 28 (1986), pp. 163-177. NEW: English Language translation by: S. Lee. (pdf)
- Quelques Remarques Sur Le Munqid Min ad-dalâl par Josef Van Ess (French PDF).
- L´Actualité D´al-Ghâzalî par `Abdurrahmân Badawi (French PDF).
- A. Badawi, “Ghazali’s Neoplatonic Sources.” (al-Ghazali wa masadrahu al-yunanyah) (Arabic PDF).
- GIL’ADI, A., On the origin of two key-terms in al-Gazzali’s “Ihya’ culum al-din” , Arabica, 36 (1989) pp.80-92 (pdf)
- Brown, Jonathan A. C. “The Last Days of al-Ghazzālī and the Tripartite Division of the Sufi World.” Muslim World, Jan2006, Vol. 96 Issue 1, p89-113, 25p; pdf
- Highland, James. “Guidance, Tolerance, and the Reverent Mindset in theThought of al-Ghazzali and Symeon.” Muslim World, Apr2004, Vol. 94 Issue 2, p259-273, 15p; pdf
- Mehmet, Ozay. “Al-Ghazzali on social justice: Guidelines for a new world order from an early medieval scholar.” International Journal of Social Economics, 1997, Vol. 24 Issue 11, p1203, 16p; pdf