al-Ghazali website

Main: Corpus: Jurisprudence, Theology, Philosophy, Logic, Sufism, and others.


Annotated listing of well known works

Jurisprudence (al-fiqhi wa isulihi):

  • {?????? ?? ??????} Al-wasit fi al-mathab (The medium [digest] in the [Jurispredunial] school -a work on fiqh, one of the five major works in Shafi'i school jurisprudence) published.  [M:4; A:4; GAL I, 424]

    • dirasah wa-tahqiq wa-ta`liq `Ali Muhyi al-Din `Ali al-Qarah Daghi; tunsharu li-awwal marrah `alá `ashr nusakh fi ghayat al-qidam wa-al-ahammiyah. ([Cairo] : Dar al-I`tisam, 1984. 2 v. (879 p.) ; 24 cm.). Claims to have used: "10 old and important Mss" in preparing this edition.

    • edited by Abi `Amr al-Husayni ibn `Umar ibn `Abd al-Rahim (Beriut: Dar al-Kutub al-`Ilmiyah, 2001. 4 v. ; 25 cm).

    • editing by Ahmad Mahmud Ibrahim, published with al-Nawawi's commentary (al-Tanqih fi sharh al-Wasit) and 3 other minor commentaries by dar al-salam Cairo, 1997.

  • al-Basit [M:3, A:3, GAL no 48].
  • {?????? ?? ??? ?????? ???????}Al-wajiz fi fiqh al-imam al-shafi'i. 2 vol. ed. Ali Ma'wad and 'Adil Abdelmujud, Dar al-arqam: Beiruit, 1997. (a shorter work on fiqh, includes contrary opinions of Malik, Abu Hanifa al-Muzni) (an extract: intro pp.1-69 PDF) [M:5?, 36; A:36; GAL I, 424; K:14191]
    • This book was then expanded upon (sharh) by abul-Qasem al-Rafi'ai called Sharh al-wajiz which in turn was summarized by al-Nawawi in a book called rawdat al-talibin (link)
  • (???????? ?? ??? ??????) al-Mustasfa fi 'ilm al-isul. The most famous work of al-Ghazali on Usul al-Fiqh (Methods of Muslim Jurisprudence). (Arabic link). . [This work is considered one of four works that all isul work revolve around and they are: 1. The mu'tazalite 'Abd al-Jabar (d. 415) al-Qadi's al-'umad; 2. abu al-Husain (d. 473) al-Basri's al-mu'tamad (commentary on al-'umad); 3. al-Imam al-Harmian abu al-Ma'ali (d. 478) Juywani's al-Burhan and 4. this book. (See Hito's introduction to al-mankhul below p.9 ;27)] [M:59 ; A:63; gal,S. I. 754, no 51; K:11936]

    • Vol. 1 was translated in: ABU HAMID AL-GHAZALI'S JURISTIC DOCTRINE IN 'AL-MUSTASFA MIN 'ILM AL-USUL' WITH A TRANSLATION OF VOLUME ONE OF 'AL-MUSTASFA MIN 'ILM AL-USUL'. HAMMAD, AHMAD ZAKI, PHD. THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, 1987. (T-30177) (part-1-PDF) is a study of al-Ghazali's contribution to Usul one of the first in the English language. (part 2: translation of volume 1-PDF).
    • Complete version (Arabic word) Seems complete with original page numbers. (zipped)
  • {??????? ?? ?????? ??????} al-Mankhul min taliqat al-isul. edited by M. H. Hito. ND/NP [Damascus?, 1970?(intro. p.48)] 48pp+541pp. [Haqqaqahu wa-kharraja nassahu wa-´allaqa ´alayhi Muhammad Hasan Hitu. Yunsharu li-awwal marrah ´an thalath nusakh makhtutah.] (PDF) courtesy of KG. Also available zipped word file of text only. [M:2; A:2; GAL. no 52; K:11936]
  • {????????} al-Ta'liqa (a commentary on al-Juwani's Usul al-fiqh work) This work would be superseded by the above two works a case of discipulus potior magistro. [M:1; A:1]
  • {???? ??????} Asas al-Qiyas (foundation of Analogical [reasoning]) edited by Fahd ibn Muhammad al-Sadhan (al-Riyad : Maktabat al-`Ubaykan, 1993).  [M:67; A:61]




  • {????? ???? ?????} Ihya' 'ulum al-din (click here) - [M:28; A:28; GAL, I, 422, S., I, 748]- Badawi's Biographical entry (complete in word format)

  • {????? ????? ???? ????? / ???? ????? ???? ?????} Mukhtasr ihya' ulum al-din (most likely by Abu Hamid al-Ghazali's brother Ahmad) also called (lubab Ihya' 'ulum al-din) According to Badawi it was printed on the margin of Nuzhat al-nazarin Cairo 1308, 1328. Mss are in Princeton 1482, Berlin 1708/9, Bodleian 1:324, Jar Allah 1482, Escorial 2: 731. Recently it has been printed by mu'asat al-kutub al-thaqifia (Beirut, 1990) 286pp. (Summary of the Ihya') (PDF) Note that the publisher claims that it is by al-Ghazali! [M:219, 220; A:93]

  • {???????? ?? ???? ?????} al-'Arabin fi isul al-din (the Forty fundamentals of religion) [M:38, 95; A:38; GAL, I, 421, no 1 & S., I, 746] Originally written as part of Jawahir al-Qur'an and permission was given for it to be a separate work.

    • M. S. Kurdi edition (Cairo, 1328 and 1344)

    • edited by 'Abdullah A.H. 'Arawni, dar al-qalam (Damascus, 2003) 303pp. An edition based on Kurdi's published edition and Mss from al-zaytuna, Tunisia. (PDF) Nicely produced volume.

    • Partial translation was completed as an MA thesis in AUC.

  • {????? ?????} Alchemy of Happiness  “Kimiya-ye Sa’adah”. [M:45; A:45]  
    • Introduction by E. Daniels. (PDF) 
    • Arabic Translation (not a complete translation it was originally written in Persian) Arabic pdf [M:223; A:45]
    • Italian translation of the above Arabic version in: by Prof.  M. Capanini. LA BILANCIA DELL'AZION e altri scritti, UTET (Torino, 2005) pp. 351-370. ISBN: 8802060746.
    • Kazi publications is publishing a full English translation of the Persian Original by M. N. Abdelsalam. 
      • Currently there are 24 of the 44 books published. Plan is to also publish in two volumes all 44 books sometime in 2005. 
    • There is a another English translation by Muhammad Asim Bilal and revised by Dr. Munir Ahmad Mughal, Kazi publications, Lahore: 2001.
  • {????? ?????} Mizan al-'amal, (Criterion of Action) Arabic Html.  [M:21; A:21

  • {?????? ?? ??????} al-Munqidh min al-dalal (Deliverance from Error). E-text- English Translation. [M:56; A:56]
    • Arabic HTML. Also in word format edited from Farid Jabre's Arabic and Ahmad Shamsaldin's editions (see below) with note by M. Hozien.
    • Edited with an introduction by J. Saliba and K. Ayyad 7th edition. (Arabic PDF) (near critical edition!)
    • Edited with an introduction by A. Shamsaldin. (Arabic PDF)
    • M. Bejou's edition (Damascus: 1992) with notes, introduction (mini study of the influence of al-Ghazali's methodical doubt on Descartes). (Arabic PDF)
    • A Modern updated translation. (E-text) (Translation notes not included) courtesy of CUA.
    • Watt's Translation. (London: G. Allen and Unwin, 1967) Also Available in (PDF)
    • McCarthy, R. J. Freedom and fulfillment : an annotated translation of Al-Ghazalis al-Munqidh min al-dalal and other relevant works of al-Ghazali by Richard Joseph McCarthy. (Boston:Twayne Publishers, c1980). (one of these days!)
    • I'traifat Ghazzali motarjim zainaldin Ki'ya' Nazad. A Persian Translation. (pdf)
    • El-Munkizu Miin-Ad-Dalal. By Hilmi Gungor, a Turkish Translation. (pdf)
    • Khair al-maqal fi tarjamat al-munqidh min al-dalal. Translation and commentary by Muwalwi Syed Mumtaz Ali (Urdu, PDF)
    • Ghazâlî, Abű-Hâmid Muhammad ibn-Muhammad al-: Der Erretter aus dem Irrtum (Al-Munqidh min ad-dalâl). Aus d. Arab. übers., mit e. Einl., mit Anm. u. Indices hrsg. v. 'Abű Elhamîd Elschazlî. Hamburg: Meiner 1988 (Philosophische Bibliothek; Bd. 389). (German pdf)
    • Erreur et Délivrance, Traducion Françasise avec introduction et notes par Farid Jabre. (Deuxičme Édition) A dual language edition French Translation/Arabic. Commision Libanaise Pour La Traduction Des Chefs-D'œuvre, Beyrouth: 1969. (pdf)
    • El salvador del error, Introducción y notas del Emilio Tornero. A Spanish Translation. (pdf)
    • A TÉVELYGÉSBÔL KIVEZETÔ ÚT in Hungarian (Arabból magyarra fordította / Translated from Arabic into Hungarian by : NÉMETH, Pál)
    • De redder uit de dwaling, Uit het Arabisch vertaald en tocgelicht door Prof. Dr J. H. Kramers. A Dutch (Holland/Netherlands) Translation. (pdf).

    • Hebrew translation by Hava Lazarus-Yafah.

    • Italian (?)

  • {????? ??????? ?? ????? ???????? ???????} Bidayat al-hidayah published as Bidayat al-hidayah fi al-adab wa-al-akhlaq wa-al-tasawwuf lil-Shaykh Zayn al-Din Hujjat al-Islam Abi Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Ghazzali al-Tusi. Wa-yaliha al-Risalah al-wa`ziyah, al-Maktabah al-Tijariyah al-Kubrá (Cairo, N.D. 19??). [M:35; A:35]

    • Partially translated by W. M. Watt and fully by Muhammad Abul Qasem.

    • Dual language edition (Arabic/English) by M. Al-Allaf. (St. Louis, 2004) (more info)


Theology (ilm al-Kalam wa isul al-din):

General note on Ghazali's works on Theology. The fact remains that he wrote very little on theology although in the Tahfut he mentioned that he planned to write a theological work he never did.

  • {???????? ?? ????????} Median (lit. Economy) in Belief. (al-Iqtisad fil- Itiqad) [M:24; A:25]
    • Critical Edition: al-ghazzali's al-iktisad fi'l-itikad edited by H. Atay and I. Cubkcu. Nur Matbaasi, Ankara 1962. (Arabic PDF)
    • Popluar edition: Arabic. (al-Iqtisad fil- Itiqad) word. Also Dr. Insaf Ramdan's edition (Arabic PDF) with explanatory notes. (Damascus: 2003)
    • Partial English translation: Al-Ghazali on Divine Predicates and their Properties: by A. Abu Zayd.  (Lahore: Sh. Muhammad Ashraf, 1970). (PDF)
    • A complete Spanish translation by Miguel Asín Palacios El justo medio en la creencia, compendio de teología dogmática de Algazel (Madrid: Instituto de Valencia de Don Juan, 1929)
  • {??????? ???????} al-risala al-qudsia -The Jerusalem Epistle a dual language edition with English translation and commentary. [M:25; A:26, 133] -note that al-Ghazali included this a section in book 2 of the Ihya'- (PDF) 
  • {????? ?????? ?? ??? ??????} Iljam al-awamm 'an ilm al-kalam (Warding off the Masses from Sciences of Theology)  Source: Mujmat rasail al-imam al-Ghazali vol. p. (Beirut: 199?)(Arabic PDF) (new Arabic edition is in the works! more information forthcoming!)  [M:63; A:71; GAL. S: I, pp.746-747 no 11 & 12; K:1129] 
  • {?????? ?????? ?? ??? ????? ???? ??????} al-maqsad al-asna fi sharah asma' Allahu al-husna - Ninety-Nine Names of God:  in Arabic with English Introduction. (Beirut: Dar al-Mashriq, 1982); edited by Fadlou Shehadh. (Arabic PDF) [M:33; A:33; K:7475, 12790]
    • Stade, Robert Charles, Ninety-Nine Names of God in Islam: A translation of the major portion of al-Ghazali's Al-Maqsad al-Asna, Daystar Press, Ibadan, 1970 (PDF). Thanks to Thilo!
    • English Translation by: D. Burrell and N. Daher (ITS description)
    • M. Bejou edition with notes, (Damascus, 1999); (Arabic PDF)
    • Note there is at least two editions of this book edited by al-Jafan and Dar al-kutub al-`ilmiyah edited by A. Shamasuddin.  

Philosophy and Logic

Philosophy and Logic (falsafa wal mantiq):

  • {????? ????????} (Maqasid al-falasifah : fi al-mantiq wa-al-hikmah al-ilahiyah wa-al-hikmah al-tabi`iyah) [M:17; A:16; GAL, I, 425, S., I, 755]
    • Best Available edition: (Misr: al-Matba`ah al-Mahmudiyah al-Tijariyah bi-al-Azhar, [Cairo]1936.) Muhyi al-Din Sabri Al-Kurdi Arabic Edition. (PDF).
    • M. Bejou has published (Damascus: 2000) the above edition in which he corrected printing errors (misplaced pages) with new typesetting, illustrations and explanatory notes. (Arabic PDF)  
    • Aims of the Philosophers (Arabic E-text) with introduction and commentary by S. Dunya (PDF) Dar al-ma'arif (Cairo, 1965). With an introduction and annotation, textual variation is embedded in the text within brackets. 
    • An old Latin translation. (PDF) the Complete edition.  
    • Spanish Translation
    • Grapevine News: an English language Translation: Forthcoming (by David Burrell and Tony Street) from BYU Press -Utah.
  • {????? ????????} Tahafut al-Falasifa (Incoherence of philosophers) His most famous philosophical work. [M:16; A:17; GAL, I, 425, S., I, 754]
    • Critical edition: (Tahafot al-falasifat / Algazel ; texte arabe etabli et accompagne d'un sommaire latin et d'index par Maurice Bouyges.) (PDF)
    • Text (with an introduction and notes by S. Dunya) (Arabic PDF)
    • Arabic E-text in word format -partially proofread.
    • M. Bejou's Arabic edition. (Arabic PDF)! Could not resist this one I only have about 7 versions of the Tahafut in Arabic! This edition includes a lecture by Mahmoud Abbas al-'Aqad and a postscript by Dr. Hikmat Hashem, Dean of Philosophy department at Damascus University. (Damascus, 1994).
    • Book Review: General overview. (link)
    • Book Review: From Khasf az-Zunun By Hajji Khalifia (In Arabic)
    • English translation by S. A. Kamali (1963) (PDF) (word needs editing
    • Second English Translation by a prof. of Islamic Theology: Marmura, Michael E. The incoherence of the philosophers: Tahafut al-falasifah: a parallel English-Arabic text (Provo: Brigham Young University Press, 1997). Note Prof. Marmura did his PhD thesis on this book!
    • Abu Ridah, Muhammad 'Abd Al-Hadi. Al-Ghazali und Seine Widerlegung der griechischen Philosophie (Tahafut al-Falasifah) (Madrid: 1952).
  • {????? ????? ?? ????? ????? ?????} Ma'arij al-Qudus fi madarij ma'rifat al-Nafs (on the soul)  old printed edition from Cairo. (Arabic pdf)  (could be pseudo ghazali see our page on the controversy) [M:76; A:76; GAL, I, 426 no 64a & 64g, S., I, 751]
    • English translation with an introduction, analysis and summary by Yusuf Easa Shammas, "Al-Ghazali's ascent to the Divine through the path of self-knowledge" (Ph.D. diss., Hartford Seminary, 1958) (PDF)
  • {??????? ?? ??? ??? ????} al-Madnun: On the Soul. (could be pseudo ghazali see our page on the controversy). Also available on another link (iffy)  [M:39; A:39; K:12214, 13243]
    • Prof. N. Pourjavady had discovered a manuscripts probably used at the Madrasa of Maragha (North-West Iran) during the 12th and 13th centuries. It contains a version of the text “al-Madnun bihi ‘ala ghayri ahlih" and attributed it to al-Ghazali. -This new text is equivalent to an extract of al-Ghazali’s summary of philosophy “Maqasid al-Falasifa”  
  • {??? ?????} Mihak al-Nazar (Ghazali's book on logic) Arabic Word file. [M:20; A:20]
  • {????? ?????} Miyar al-Ilm (Criterion of Knowledge) his work on logic edited by S. Dunya (Cairo: Dar al-ma'arif, 1965) in (Arabic pdf). Dunya believes that this book is the introduction to the Tahafut al-falisifah, namely the philosophical trilogy: Logic (this book), Summary (the maqasid) and refutation (the tahafut). [M:18; A:18]



other works:

  • {????? ?????? ?????} Jewels of the Qur'an (Jawahir al-Qur'an).  [M:37; A:37; GAL, I, 421, no 1 & S., I, 746]
    • Arabic Original, edited by: Dr. Muhammad R. R. al-Qabani, Dar ihya' al-'ulum: Beirut, 1990) Based on the Cairo 1933 2nd ed. p.6. (Arabic PDF)
    • English translation by Muhammad Abul Quasem, Kuala Lumpur: 1977. Complete book (PDF)
  • {????? ???????? ?????? ??????????} "al-Mustazhir"i or Fada'ih al-Batiniyya wa fada'il al-mutazhiriyya (Ghazali's answer to Isma'ili Shi'is of his time). [M:22; A:22; GAL, S., I, 747, no 23a]
    • al-Mustazhiri: Trans. R. McCarthy. (E-text) (PDF) Partial translation only. A study of this translation was completed as MA thesis and published as Al-Ghazali and Ismailis for more info.
    • Fada'ih al-Batiniyya (Infamies of the Batinies) In Arabic Ed. A. Badawi (E-text) (PDF(This is the complete edition based on two manuscripts while the Goldziher edition doesn't have the full text.
    • Fada'ih al-Batiniyya. Note also that the Badawi edition has not been proofread. See introduction to the 2001 edition corrected and commented on by Muhammad 'Ali al-Qtub, al-maktaba al-'asriyya: Beirut, 2001 p.6). (Arabic PDF)
    • Streitschrift Des Gazali gegen die Batinijja-Sekte by Ignaz Goldziher. This is a part-edition of “Fada’ih al-batiniyya” with German analysis based on the ms. at the British Library in London in Arabic with German Intro/Translation. (PDF in Arabic with German Intro/Translation.  Also see in German: "Die Streitschrift des Gazali gegen die Ibahiya", Übersetzer : Otto Pretzl, 1933 München. 
    • Damigh al-batil wa-hatf al-munadil ta'lif `Ali ibn Muhammad ibn al-Walid (d.1215) ; taqdim wa-tahqiq Mustafa Ghalib. Bayrut: Mu'assasat 'Izz al-Din, 1982. 2 vols. (an Isma'ili answer to the al-Ghazali's Mustazhiri from the 13th Century) (PDF) sample. Note: A. Badawi was looking for this work while preparing his edition of Fada'ih but was unable to secure a copy of it, see his introduction.
  • { ??????? ????????} al-Qistas al-mustaqim (The Correct Balance) edited by M. Bejou, (improved edition). (Arabic PDF). [M:42; A:42; GAL, S., I, 749, no 28]
    • al-Qistas al-mustaqim: The Correct Balance (Trans. R. McCarthy. (PDF)
    • The Just Balance (Another English translation: D .P. Brewster, Lahore: Sh. Muhammad Ashraf, 1978) PDF
    • A study of this book was done by A. Neuwirth KleinKnecht. (Eine Ableitung Der Logik Aus Dem Koran) (German PDF)
    • Italian translation by by Prof.  M. Capanini. LA BILANCIA DELL'AZION e altri scritti, UTET (Torino, 2005) pp. 275-350. ISBN: 8802060746.
  • {?????? ?? ??????? ????} Al-hikmah fi makhluqat illah (Wisdom in God's Creation) ed. M. R. Qabani. (Arabic PDF: File size: 3200kb)  [M:74; A:81; GAL no 43]
  • {???? ??????? ??? ??????? ????????} Fayasl al-tafriqa bayn al-Islam wa-l-zandaqa (The Criterium of Distinction between Islam and Clandestine Unbelief) edited by M. Bejou (Damascus: 1993) (Arabic PDF)   Also in word format. As well as Dar al-kutub al-`ilmiyah edited by A. Shamasuddin(?). (Arabic PDF)  [M:43; A:43; GAL, S., I, 747 no 13]
    • English: On the Boundaries of Theological Tolerance in Islam: Abu Hamid al-Ghazali's Faysal al-Tafriqa, Sherman A. Jackson (Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2002). Reviewed D. Stewart (JAOS vol. 124.1 2004).
    • German: Uber Rechtgläubigkeit und religiose Toleranz. Eine Ubersetzung der Schrift Das Kriterium der Unterscheidung zwischen Islam und Gottlosigkeit" (Faysal at-tafriqa bayna l-Islam wa-z-zandaqa), eingeleitet, ubersetzt und mit Erlauterungen versehen von Frank Griffel, Zurich: Spur Verlag 1998, 110 p. (introduction, German translation and commentary on al-Ghazali’s Faysal al-tafriqa).
  • Muktabat imam ghazali [M:325] might be the same as {????? ?????? ?? ????? ??? ???????} Faza'ilul al-anam min rasa'ili hujjat al-Islam, a Persian collection of an unknown compiler, probably of the 12th cent. It is known also under title: Makatib-i Farsi-i Ghazzali. (Persian PDF) [M:346; A:346]
    • Letters of al-Ghazali. (26) translated from the Persian by 'Abdul Qyyum "Shafaq" Hazarvi, Kitab Bhavan: New Delhi, 1992. (English PDF)
    • German Translation of Faza'il al-anam min rasa'il Hujjat al-Islam,  Dorothea Krawulsky. Briefe und Reden des Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Gazzali. Freiburg im Breisgau, K. Schwarz, 1971.
  • {????? ??????? ?? ????? ??????} The Forged Sword in Counseling Kings. [M:47; A:47; GAL, I, 423 no 30 & S., I, 750]
    • al-tabr al-masbuk fi nasihat al-muluk wa alwuzara wa al-wulat (MS:l72.2:G4ltbA), Quoting the site: "a manual of advice composed for rulers, ministers and governors on how they should govern their realms. The manuscript was probably produced in Egypt at the beginning of the fifteenth century. It is a fine example of a late Mamluk manuscript that can be seen in the quality of the colored paper, the beauty of the calligraphy and the contemporary brown morocco binding. The [Jafet] library of the American University of Beirut Archives and Special Collection. The entire manuscript is now online and in full color." (link) Now if only other libraries are this generous with their collections!
    • al-Tibr al-masbuk fi nasihat al-muluk. Arabic (html text minor proof reading) This is the Arabic translation of the book which was originally written in Persian as “Nasihat al-Muluk” (only the first part of this book was written by al-Ghazali, however. cf. P. Crone “Did al-Ghazali Write a Mirror for Princes?” in: Jerusalem Studies of Arabic and Islam 10 (1987) pp. 167-191.) 
    • English Translation: Counsel for Kings. translated by F. R. C. Bagley, from the Persian text edited by Jalal Huma'i and the Bodleian Arabic text, edited by H. D. Isaacs, with introduction, notes, and biographical index (London : Oxford University Press, 1964) (PDF)
  • {???? ????? ?????} Ayah al-Wald al-Muahib (Al-Ghazali Letter to a Disciple) (Arabic PDF) [M:46; A:46; GAL, I, 423; K:6010]
  • {????? ???????} Mishkat al-Anwar Qur'anic Hermeneutics of the chapter of Light. [M:52; A:52, 257, 258; GAL S., I, 751]
    • an edition of Cairo 1322 edited/published by Farj Allah Zaki al-Kurdi and Ahmad 'Azzat (PDF)
    • Edited by Abu al-'ala 'Afifi, Cairo: Dar al-Qawmiya lil-Tab'a wa al-Nashr, 1964. (PDF ) Still trying to get it, see below perhaps an improvement on 'afifi's editon.
    • edited by abdelaziz al-Sirawan, alam al-kutub, 1986. Used many mss and print editions to prepare this one. (pdf)
    • info about a French Translation (link with summary)
    • Book review of David Buchman, Al-Ghazali, The Niche of Lights / Mishkat al-Anwar. A parallel English – Arabic text Brigham Young University Press, 1999; by Prof. Frank Griffel. (PDF)
    • For more info and papers on this book see the following announcement on a panel discussion.
  • {????? ???????} Qanun al-ta'wil (on Interpretation) Edited by M. Bejou Arabic PDF) note that page 26 is not clear on the edges some of the words are hard to make out. (Damascus: 1993)(Arabic PDF). [M:162; A:162]
  • {??????? ?? ?????} al-Muntakhal fi al-jadal, al-Riyad : Maktabat al-Malik Fahd al-Wataniyah, 2004. [M:7; A:7; K:13089]
  • {?????? ????? ?????? ???????} Mujma't Rasil al-Imam al-Ghazali - This is a work that combines two previously published collections of the smaller works (treatises and epistles) as:
    • {??????? ??????? ?? ????? ???????} al-Jawahir al-ghawali min rasa'il al-imam al-Ghazzali: tanbih hadhihi al-majmu`at tashtamil `alá `ashara rasa'il min anfas rasa'il Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazzali, [Cairo] : Muhiy al-Din Sabri al-Kurdi, 1934. 
    • {?????? ??????? ?? ????? ???????} al-Qusur al-`awali min rasa'il al-Ghazzali, li-Hujjat al-Islam Abi Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Ghazzali;. Misr : Maktabat al-Jindi, [1964].




NOTE: The numbers listed above in square brackets refer to M = Bouyges, Maurice. Essai de chronologie des oeuvres de al-ghazali (Algazel). Edited by Michel Allard. Beirut: L'Institue de Lettres Orientales de Beyrouth, 1959; A = Badwai, 'Abd al-Rahman, Mu'allafat al-Ghazali. 2nd ed. Kuwait: Wakalat al-Mutbu'at, 1977- numbers as listed. The links are provided to the individual page in Bouyges or Badawi. The GAL listing is given below. The following numbers are offered as mentioned in Bouyges 1959: Brockelmann, Carl. Geschichte der arabischen litteratur. 2 vols. plus 3 suppl. vols., Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1937-42, Second edition: 1943-45.   [GAL, S]   GAL, I: 534-546 (PDF: 1943); S, I: 744-756. (PDF: 1937). Kâtip Çelebi. Lexicon bibliographicum et encyclopaedicum ... ad codicum Vindobonensium Parisiensium et Berolinensis fidem primum edidit Latine vertit et commentario indicibusque instruxit Gustavus Fluegel. .... Arabic text with Latin trans. by Gustav Lebrecht Fluegel. 7 vols., Leipzig: Published for the Oriental Translation Fund of Great Britain and Ireland, 1835-1858.  [K]


This above is NOT (by any means) a comprehensive list of al-Ghazali's Oeuvre but a selective sample of what is available. According to al-Zabidi al-Ghazali wrote 70 works of various sizes from multi volume works to smaller pamphlet size of these 23 were printed. For more information on a more complete list of his work see the bibliography page. I have a graph (click here) of the ghazalian oeuvre according to scholars (Boyges and Hourani) who wrote on the topic.

Know O kind reader as with any author of his period and fame many works are missing, mislabeled, error prone copies and a host of technical problems brought about by the ravages of time and tumulus political climate not to mention scrupulous 'publishers' have had their effect on what we have today. It is without a doubt that the Ghazalian corpus fared better than many of contemporaries. fortuna non omnibus aeque. Do note that t a work of this magnitude is liable to have some errors that may have crept into it. Although my ego assures me that I have not made any mistakes considering the time that I put into it. So if you see a glaring error or have strong opinions, supported by fact or argument, about any work listed above or missing do let me know. Of course I always prefer a pat on the back to a slap in the face.


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