Sirr al-'alamin wa khasf ma fi al-dariyyan (Secret of
the two worlds and unvieling what is in the two houses =worlds).
[M:214; A:67,91; GAL no 31]
- Mukashafat al-qulub (Unveiling of the Hearts)
[M:239; A:239]
al-Madnun al-saghir,
A:40, 119]
(Smaller [book] of secrets) also called:
- al-Naffakh wal-taswiya (Breathing (life) and
Formation (of creation). [M:107; A:107]
- al-Ajwaba al-Ghazaliyya 'ala al-mas'il al-akhrawiyya. (Ghazalian
Answers to Questions concerning the Hereafter.)
[M:108; A:40]
- al-madnun bi hi ala ghayr ahlihi
(controversial still!) however I
moved it to the works page. I guess the jury is still out on this one.
- ma'arij al-qudus fi madarij ma'rifit al-nafs.
(controversial still!) however I
moved it to the works page. I guess the jury is still out on this one
- al-risala al-ladunia.
[M:50, 193;
A:90] (translated by Godlas)
- Minhaj al-'arafin (Methodology of the Sufis)
- Minhaj al-'abidin ila Jannati Rabbi 'l-Alamin (Methodology of the
Worshipful Servants to the Garden of the Lord of All the Worlds)
(possibly a summary of the Ihya') (planned translation by al-baz
publishing, also published in India)[M:64;
- al-Fara'id al-la'ali min rasa'il al-Ghazzali majmu`ah
mushtamilah `alá Mi`raj al-salikin wa-Minhaj al-`arifin wa-Rawdat al-talibin,
wa-hiya min anfas ma katabahu al-Ghazzali / [tashih] al-Shaykh Muhammad
Bakhit, [Cairo] : Faraj Allah Zaki, 1344 [1925]
- Risalat al-tayr (Epistle of the Birds) See article:
Al-Ghazzali's Epistle
of the Birds. N. A. Faris (PDF). [M:189;
ar-Radd al-jamil 'ala
sarih al-Injil (The polite answer to the evident in the Gospels) (Arabic
PDF) See article: "Al-Ghazali and
the Arabic versions of the Gospels" Padwick, G. J., Muslim World
29(1939), pp. 130-140. Also in German: "Al-Ghazalis Schrift wider die
Gottheit Jesu (Redd ül cemil)", Franz-Elmar Wilms, Leiden, 1966. [M:194;
- Anwar hikmit [M: 91, A:103]
(in Persian)
- al-Durrah al-fakhirah fi khasf ulum al-'akhira.
[M:62; A:66]
- Critical edition: Le Perle Precieuse de Ghazali, ed. Leon
Gauthier. (pdf)- reprinted Beirut,
- (the Precious
Pearl) translated by Jane Idleman with an
introduction. (PDF) (1979) Missoula, USA.
- Die Kostbare Perle über todund Jenseits, übersetzt von M.
Brugsch. Hannover, 1924.
- A poem
by al-Ghazali in Arabic. al-Qasida
al-munfarija [M:255;
434, 435]
- Works on magic, talisman, witchcraft, litanies, dream
interpretations, secrets of letters and numbers, etc. See A. Badawi's
mu'alafat al-ghazali pp. 277-302(#'s 96-127) for more information.
Mashhad al-Allaf has written a postscript to A. Badwai's work giving
detailed reasons why the above works (1-9) are not works by al-Ghazali.
Reasons such as no mention in the texts of al-Ghazali's other works;
language that is used in these works is not the norm that al-Ghazali
uses in his works; mention of works by people that were born years after
al-Ghazali had died; terminology that al-Ghazali never used in his other
works; foul language that scholars such as al-Ghazali would never use.
For more information see his
The numbers listed above in square
brackets refer to M = Bouyges, Maurice.
Essai de chronologie des oeuvres de al-ghazali(Algazel). Edited by
Michel Allard. Beirut: L'Institue de Lettres Orientales de Beyrouth,
1959; A = Badwai, 'Abd al-Rahman,
Mu'allafat al-Ghazali. 2nd ed. Kuwait: Wakalat al-Mutbu'at, 1977- numbers as
listed of al-ghazali's works. There are
many more the above list is not nearly comprehensive for more
information see the Bibliography page.