List of works of al-ghazali in Translation. Preliminary list in particular order.
L'abandon a Dieu - ?????? ??? ???? : texte presente et traduit / par L. Gardet = ????? ??? ???????? ?. ????? .- 1950 .- p. 37-47 .- (Extrait de la revue IBLA ; 1950)
Text in French and Arabic.
The alchemy of happiness / translated from Hindustani by Claud Field .- London : J. Murray, 1910 .- 115 p. .- (Wisdom of the East series)
Series title also at head of t-p.
The book of knowledge : being a translation with notes of the Kitab al-`ilm of al-Ghazzali's Ihya `ulum al-din / by Nabih Amin Faris .- Lahore : Ashraf, [1962] .- 236 p.
The book of knowledge [Book review] = ????? ????? ???? ????? / Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Ghazzali
???????? ???? ???? ????
???? ????????
Buch vom Gottvertrauen : das 35. buch des Ihya' `ulum ad-din / ubersetzt und mit einleitung und anmerkungen versehen von Hans Wehr .- HalleSaale : M. Niemeyer, 1940 .- 117 p. .- (Islamische ethik ; hft. 4)
The confessions of al Ghazzali / translated for the first time into English, by Claud Field .- New York : E.P. Dutton, 1909 .- 60 p. .- (Wisdom of the East series)
Printed in Great Britain.
The confessions of al-Ghazzali / translated for the first time into English by Claud Field .- London : J. Murray, 1909 .- 60 p. .- (Wisdom of the East series)
Critere de l'action = : Mizan al-a`mal / traite d'ethique psychologique et mystique ... version francaise et etude analytique par Eikmat Hachem / Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Ghazzali .- Paris : Librairie orientale et americaine, 1945 .- 156 p.
Les dix regles du soufisme selon Ghazzali (al qawa'id l-'ashra) / al Ghazzali ; traduction de l'Arabe, notes et commentaires d'Abu Ilyass Muhammad Diakho .- Beyrouth : Editions al-Bouraq, 1999 .- 210 p. .- (*Revivification des sciences de la religion ; v. 4)
Includes bibliogrphical references.
series information taken from later vols.
ISBN 2841610446
Eber intention, reine absicht und wahrhaftigkeit / das 37. buch vo al-Gazali's hauptwerk ubersetzt und erlauetrt [!] von Hans Bauer .- Halle aS : M. Niemeyer, 1916 .- x p., 1 leaf, 93, [1] p. .- (Islamische ethik ; hft. 1)
Das Elixier der Gluckseligkeit / Al Ghasali ; [aus den persischen und arabischen Quellen in Auswahl ubertragen von Hellmut Ritter] . - 2. Aufl. .- Dusseldorf : E. Diederichs, 1979 .- 223 p. .- (Diederichs Gelbe Reihe ; 23 : Islam)
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 3424006238
Erlaubtes und verbotenes gut / das 14. Buch von al-Gazali's hauptwerk ubersetzt und erlautert von Hans Bauer .- Halle Saale : M. Niemeyer, 1922 .- x, 212 p. .- (Islamische ethik ; hft. 3)
The faith and practice of al-Ghazali / by W. Montgomery Watt .- London : G. Allen & Unwin, 1953 .- 155 p. .- (Ethical and religious classics of East and West ; no. 8)
Deliverance from error and attachment to the Lord God of Might and Majesty. [al-Munkidh min al-dalal] -- The beginning of guidance. [Badayat al-hidayah].
The faith and practice of al-Ghazali / translated by W. Montgomery Watt .- Oxford : Oneworld, 1994 .- 176 p.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1851680624
The foundations of the articles of faith : being a translation with notes of the Kitab qawa`id al-`aqa'id of al-Ghazzali's "Ihya' `ulum al-din," / by Nabih Amin Faris . - [1st ed.]. .- Lahore : Ashraf, 1963 .- viii, 144 p.
A.U.B. faculty publication.
Bibliography: p. [137]-138.
Ghazali on prayer / by Kojiro Nakamura .- Tokyo : University of Tokyo, Institute of Oriental Culture, [1973] .- 134 p.
"Supplement to the Bulletin of the Institute of Oriental Culture, 1973."
Bibliography: p. [128]-134.
"Translation of the ninth of the forty 'books' of Ghazali's great work, Ihya' `ulum al-din."
al-Ghazali's Book of fear and hope / by William McKane .- Leiden Netherlands : E.J. Brill, 1962 .- xix, 104 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
Translation of Kitab al-khawf wa-al raja' which forms book 33 of the author's Ihya' `ulum al-din.
Ghazalis book of counsel for kings : (Nasihat al-muluk) / translated by F.R.C Bagley from the Persian text edited by Jalal Humai and the Bodelian Arabic text edited by H.D. Isaacs, with introd., notes, and biographical index .- London : Oxford University Press, 1964 .- lxxiv, 197 p. .- (University of Durham publications)
Includes bibliographical references.
Translated from the authors al-Tibr al-masbuk fi nasihat al-muluk.
Ih'ya `ouloum ed-din : ou Vivification des sciences de la foi / analyse et index par G.H. Bousquet .- Paris : Besson, 1955 .- 466 p. .- (Publications de l'Institut d'etudes orientales (Faculte des lettres d'Alger) ; 15)
Imam Gazzali's Ihya ulum-id-din / [English version by] Fazul-ul-karim .- Lahore : Sind Sagar Academy, [1978- .- 3 v.
Translation of Ihya' `ulum al-din.
Book 1. The book of worship -- Book 2. The book of worldly usages -- Book 3. The book of destructive evils.
The incoherence of the philosophers = ????? ???????? : a parallel English-Arabic text / translated, introduced, and annotated by Michael E. Marmura .- Provo UT : Brigham Young University Press, 1997 .- xxvii, 260 p .- (Islamic translation series)
Includes index.
ISBN 0842523510
Initiation a la foi (Bidayatu-l-Hidayati) / traduit de l'arabe par Abou Ilyas Mouhammed Diakho . - 2nd ed. .- Beyrouth : Editions al-Bouraq, c1999 .- 166 p. .- (*Revivification des sciences de la religion ; v. 3)
"La traduction litterale du titre en arabe est 'Le commencement de la guidee'. Mais nous avons prefere 'initiation a la foi' qui nous parait plus claire et plus signifiant"--T.p.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 2841610268
Invocations & supplications : Book IX of The revival of the religious sciences, Ihya' `ulum al-din = Kitab al-adhkar wa'l-da`awat / al-Ghazali ; translated with an introduction & notes by K. Nakamura . - 2nd rev. ed. .- Cambridge : Islamic Texts Society, 1990 .- 131 p.
Rev. translation of: Adhkar wa-al-da`awat.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 119-126) and index.
ISBN 0946621128
The jewels of the Qur'an : al-Ghazali's theory : a translation, with an introduction and annotation, of al-Ghazali's Kitab Jawahir al-Qur'an / by Muhammad Abul Quasem .- London : Kegan Paul International, 1983, c1977 .- 244 p.
Includes indexes.
Bibliography: p. 225-229.
ISBN 0710300344
The just balance : al-Qistas al-mustaqim / al-Ghazali ; a translation with introd. and notes by D.P. Brewster . - 1st ed. .- Lahore : Ashraf, 1978 .- xxiii, 142 p.
Critical study of the beliefs of the Ismailites, one of the sects of the Shia Muslims, who recognize the Aga Khan as their 'imam' (religious leader).
Translation of: al-Qistas al-mustaqim (Arabic).
L'apaisement du coeur : de la jalousie a la meditation / Abou Hamid al Ghazali ; traduction : Hedi Djebnoun .- Beyrouth : Editions al-Bouraq, 2000 .- 489 p. .- (*Revivification des sciences de la religion ; v. 6)
"Concis du tome quatrieme ."
ISBN 2841611167
Le livre du licite et de l'illicite (Kitab al-halal wa-l haram) / traduit de l'Arabe par Hedi Djebnoun .- Beyrouth : Editions al-Bouraq, c1999 .- 223 p. .- (*Revivification des sciences de la religion ; v.2)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 2841610551
Le livre du repentir (Kitab at-Tawba) / traduction de l'Arabe, notes et commentaires de Lyess Chacal .- Beyrouth : Editions al-Bouraq, c1999 .- 258 p. .- (*Revivification des sciences de la religion ; v. 5)
Includes bibliographical references (p. [249]-251) and index.
ISBN 2841611078
Marriage and sexuality in Islam : a translation of al- Ghazali's book on the etiquette of marriage from the Ihya' / by Madelain Farah .- Ann Arbor, Mich. : UMI Books on Demand, 1995 .- xii,185 p.
Originally presented as the translator's thesis (Doctoral-- University of Utah). Authorized facsimile. Originally published: Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1984. Bibliography: p.[169]-177.
Muhammad al-Gazzali's Lehre von den Stufen zur Gottesliebe : die Bucher 31-36 seiness Hauptwerkes / eingeleitet, ubersetzt und kommentiert von Richard Gramlich .- Wiesbaden : F. Steiner, 1984 .- xi, 828 p. .- (Freiburger Islamstudien ; Bd.10)
Translation of: Ihya ulum al-din, book 31-36. Bibliography: p.[768]-778.
ISBN 3515037659
The mysteries of almsgiving / a translation from the Arabic with notes of the Kitab asrar al-zakah by Nabih Amin Faris .- Beirut : American University of Beirut, 1966 .- 96 p. .- (Centennial publications (American University of Beirut))
A.U.B. faculty publication.
The mysteries of fasting : being a translation with notes of the Kitab asrar al-sawn of al-Ghazzali's Ihya' `ulum al-din / by Nabih Amin Faris . - 1st ed. .- Lahore : Ashraf, 1968 .- viii, 42 p.
Bibliography: p. [43].
The mysteries of purity / being a translation with notes of the Kitab asrar al-taharah of al-Ghazzali's Ihya' `ulum al-din ; by Nabih Amin Faris .- Lahore : Ashraf, [1966] .- 96 p.
"English translation of Book III of the first quarter of Ghazzali's Ihya' `ulum al-din."
Includes bibliographical references.
Ninety-nine names of God in Islam : a translation of the major portion of al-Ghazali's al-Maqsad al-asna / by Robert Charles Stade .- Ibadan Nigeria : Daystar Press, 1970 .- 138 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
O disciple / al-Ghazali ; translated by George H. Scherer ; with an introd. by the translator .- Beirut : Catholic Press, 1951 .- xxvi, 28, 20, [8] leaves of plates .- (Collection des grandes oeuvres de l'UNESCO. Arabic series)
Added t.p.: Ayyuha al-walad.
Translation of Ayyuha al-walad.
English and Arabic.
Includes bibliographical references.
At head of title: International Commission for the Translation of the Classics, Beirut.
O youth / being a translation of Ayyuha `l-walad by the Rev. George H. Scherer .- Beirut : American Press, 1933 .- 109 p.
Bibliography: p. 195-109.
On disciplining the soul = Kitab riyadat al-nafs, & On breaking the two desires = Kitab kasr al-shahwatayn : Books XXII and XXIII of the revival of the religious sciences = Ihya' 'ulum al-din / al-Ghazali ; translated with an introduction and notes by T.J. Winter .- Cambridge Cambridgeshire UK : Islamic Texts Society, 1995 .- xcii, 277 p.
Translation of books 22 and 23 of Ihya' 'ulum al-din Includes bibliographical references (p. 245-264) and index.
The book of disciplining the soul, refining the character, & curing the sicknesses of the heart : Kitab riyada al-nafs wa-tahdhib al-akhlaq wa-mu'alajat amrad al-qalb : book XXII of The revival of the religious sciences = Ihya' 'ulum al-din-- The book of breaking the two desires = Kitab kasr al-shahwatayn : book XXIII of The revival of the religious sciences = Ihya' 'ulum-al-din.
ISBN 0946621438
On the duties of brotherhood / al-Ghazali ; translated from the classical Arabic by Muhtar Holland .- London, 1975 .- 94 p.
Translation of al-Ukhuwah which forms part of book 5 of Ihya` 'ulum al-din.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 0901539341
Les piliers du musulman sincere : les pratiques d'adoration / Abou Hamid al Ghazali ; traduction : Hedi Djebnoun .- Beyrouth : Editions al-Bouraq, 2000 .- 470 p. .- (*Revivification des sciences de la religion ; v. 7)
"Concis du tome premier ."
ISBN 2841611159
The precious pearl : a translation from the Arabic / Jane Idleman Smith .- Missoula MT : Scholars Press, c1979 .- viii, 120 p. .- (Studies in world religions ; no. 1)
Includes index.
Bibliography: p. 115-117.
"A translation from the Arabic with notes of the Kitab al-Durra al-Fakhira fi Kashf `Ulum al-Akhira."
ISBN 0891302786
Refutation excellente de la divinite de Jesus-Christ d'apres les Evangiles / texte etabli, tr. et commente par Robert Chidiac .- Paris : Leroux, 1939 .- 233 p. .- (Biblioteque de l'Ecole des hautes etudes ; v. 54)
Text in Arabic and French.
The remembrance of death and the afterlife : Kitab dhikr al-mawt wa-ma ba'dahu. Book XL of The revival of the religious sciences : Ihya' 'ulum aldin/al-Ghazali / translated with an introduction and notes by T.J. Winter / Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Ghazzali .- Cambridge Cambridgeshire UK : Islamic Texts Society, 1989 .- xxx, 347 p.
Bibliography: p. 327-336.
ISBN 0946621136
Some moral and religious teachings of al-Ghazzali / by Syed Nawab Ali . - [2. ed.]. .- Lahore : Ashraf, [1946] .- ix, 146 p.
Extracts from Ihya' al-`ulum al-din and Minhaj al-`abidin.
Uber die guten Sitten beim Essen und Trinken : das ist das 11. Buch von al-Ghazzali's Hauptwerk / Ubersetzung und Bearbeitung als ein Beitrag zur Geschichte unserer Tischsitten, von Hans Kindermann .- Leiden Netherlands : E.J. Brill, 1964 .- xxix, 330 p.
"Anmerkungen": p. [43]-330.
Bibliography: p. [45]-49.
Translation of book 11 of Ihya' `ulum al-din.
Von der ehe / das 12. buch von al-Gazali's hauptwerk "ubersetzt und erlautert von Hans Bauer .- Halle aS : M. Niemeyer, 1917 .- x, 120 p.
Added t.p.: Islamische ethik ... hft.II.
[Ayyuha al Walad (romanized form)] / Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Ghazzali .- Beyrouth, [1951] .- 20 p. ; xxvi, 65 p. .- (Collection des grandes oeuvres de l'UNESCO. Arabic series)
Includes bibliographical references.
al-Ghazzali's text and French translation on opposite pages.
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